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Metodika EPM is the Central Nervous System for Your Enterprise

Real Time Information at Your Fingertips


THE 7 STEPS - ARROWS - otl_1.2

The Metodika EPM is an exclusive software package with tools to better manage healthcare practices. It takes all the events and tasks in your day-to-day business, connects the dots, and automates the processes. It reduces overlapping tasks, streamlines workflow, and provides you with tools to analyze and improve your clinic.

It handles all the data and all the administrative details – scheduling, medical-record keeping, patient interaction, SMS, billing, and statistical analysis – so you can spend your time caring for your patients.

Metodika EPM is designed for mid-to-large-sized organizations and operates on both Apple and Microsoft platforms.

It is created in close cooperation with prominent surgeons and managers from some of the world’s leading clinics. They told us about their need to reduce inefficiency in their clinics, so they could maximize valuable, hands-on time spent with their patients.

Today more than 200 clinics across Europe run customized versions of our software. That’s more than 7,500 health care professionals in 13 countries. A typical client sees a return on investment in less than 18 months.

The tools: Seven Guardians of Time

When we first created our Metodika system we had this image of being guardians of time. Our mission was to find all time thieves and get rid of them.

So we analyzed the workflow of several clinics and found a lot of risks for wasting time on tasks that slow things down. For any professional with a passion for caring for patients and building a prospering business around it, time thieves are very frustrating.

We finally ended up with seven crafty guardians of time, one for each critical part of a clinic’s workflow. And they’re still doing their job, at more and more clinics around the world. And we are still obsessed by our mission.
If you wish it’s perfectly ok to see our guardians of time just as seven easy-to-use tools to run an efficient business, reducing overlapping tasks, streamlining workflow, and providing you with invaluable possibilities to analyze and continuously improve your clinic.


Your call center is your patient’s first point of contact with your clinic. It’s also your chance to tracking potential customers and understanding and meeting their needs. The Call Center module (integrated into our CRM) helps categorize inquiries, identifying new patients while managing communications with existing ones. Our EPM provides you with lists of people who have contacted your clinic as well as fact sheets containing the information you need to build your business. You can integrate your marketing and sales activities with the calendar functionality and generate automatic follow-up letters and sales calls.

Your patients are the lifeblood of your clinic. Metodika helps you treat them accordingly.


Metodika EPM supports your practice from the moment a patient walks in the door. We streamline your intake process and prevent costly administrative oversights. The first step is registration. Our Front Office module helps you enter new patient data and checks to be sure all client financial and administrative requirements are met before you initiate consultation or procedures. Should you need them, the CRM automatically generates reminders for any missing health declarations.

After registration, you can track your patients’ progress and location in real time throughout your clinic. This means no scrambling, no second-guessing, and no loss of precious time. The Front Office module also manages payment, billing, and new appointment scheduling.


The doctor-patient relationship is the centerpiece of your clinical practice. Metodika EPM facilitates productive, rewarding interactions between you and your clients. We make sure your patients’ critical information is always at your fingertips, whether you are in the exam room or in the operating room. You consistently find clear, comprehensive information, complete with photographs, medical history, and your patient’s current concerns. New information can be entered rapidly using pre-made templates or via a simple text form. If you need pictures, just upload them from your clinic’s camera via wifi or USB connection.


When you are in surgery, you aim for perfection. Time is of the essence. Metodika EPM grants you immediate access to your patient records in the operating room. You can also track supplies and medical equipment used during any procedure. It’s a safe, reliable and efficient way to manage inventory and billing in one go.

Metodika EPM also includes the unique ability to set, start, and manage “timers,” which automatically track the duration of procedures. Timers provide invaluable data that can be used for statistical analysis, process improvement, and quality management. Timers are a powerful tool for comprehensively understanding your clinic’s operations and measuring its performance over time. They can be configured to measure any service in the clinic, including minor treatments and consultations.

Unit/Ward Care

The system enables you to track your patients anywhere in your clinic. It also displays available rooms and resources. Plus you can always log and register equipment and consumables used during procedures for later billing and record keeping. It will help your clinic to better manage stock and inventory, while making sure your patients are invoiced accurately.

After Care

Certain routine tasks can, and should, be automated without affecting patient care. Our software can schedule automatic reminders to notify patients of follow-up appointments. It also reminds your staff to check on patients at scheduled times after their procedures. Metodika EPM tracks outcomes for quality management and control. You can generate reports for a variety of purposes, including research and process improvement. When you let the system handle the mundane tasks your office staff becomes free to provide personal touch where it matters most.

Finance, statistics and invoicing

The Metodika EPM system allows you to centralize data collection and analyses. This includes tracking patient financial data and generating invoices. The Metodika EPM invoicing tool processes all methods of payment, and it is compliant with each country’s specific legal regulations and requirements. Metodika EPM also offers you the flexibility of exporting financial data, including invoices and inventory, to most external accounting software systems.

Metodika EPM includes many pre-configured reports able to gather patient data for measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as caregiver, number of procedures and surgeries, treatments over time, and treatments per location. This method of data collection makes Metodika EPM user friendly and helps you keep track of all aspects of your business.

A Few Highlights

Metodika EPM, formerly known as Skalpell, is a medical administration tool that will help you automate, coordinate, streamline and manage your healthcare practice and day-to-day business. Below, a selection of our most valuable features are presented

Find Available Time (FAT)

Find Available Time (FAT) is a booking-system function and a proprietary algorithm within the Metodika EPM tool that saves your clinic time by electronically scheduling patients and at the same time cross-referencing your patients’ needs with available resources. This makes it an effective and time-saving booking-system that automatically identifies multiple appointment times, emphasizing optimal times for each surgery, treatment and procedure.

FAT will serve as a valuable medical administration tool that will increase efficiency, reduce downtime and add capacity to your healthcare practice.

Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

Metodika EPM includes a module for Electronic Medical Records (EMR). With the EMR module you will avoid spending time collecting medical data for your patients manually. EMR coordinates medical data from a wide range of different systems, locations and tools and makes it accessible in seconds, allowing you to modify and design fill-in forms so that you can collect the patient data you need, when you need it.

The module accepts unlimited data including photographs and other valuable patient data, and also allows you to track supplies and medical equipment used in procedures, treatments and surgeries. This makes EMR an accessible, effective and crucial tool for your practice.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The Metodika EPM tool includes a CRM module built to connect your clinic to current and potential patients and clients. The CRM module is the first point of contact with your patients which allows you to understand and meet their needs.

The CRM module also allows you to integrate sales- and marketing activities with calendar functionality to generate follow-up letters and sales calls. In short, the CRM module is an effective and valuable tool that will help you manage and keep track of future patients and clients.

Business Process Management (BPM)

The BPM module identifies bottlenecks or trouble spots in your organization. With over 20 years of experience and accumulated knowledge, Metodika understands what makes a clinic successful. Our experts work closely with your staff to make your organization more streamlined and efficient.

The BPM module automates your processes and provides you with tools to continuously monitor and measure outcomes. BPM manages billing and inventory, as well. Plus you can export data from the BPM module directly to your bookkeeping software.

Quality Management System (QMS)

We know you need to manage risk as well as maximize patient satisfaction. The QMS module detects risk by closely monitoring the results and outcomes of all clinical procedures. It automatically flags areas that need attention, in everything from surgical procedures to patient satisfaction. The QMS reveals trends and patterns so you can make changes pro-actively rather than re-actively.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

The KPI module brings you deep insight into the business practices and health outcomes at your clinic. It can incorporate endless variability, allowing you to track the duration of procedures, resources used, costs and expenses, and how and where your clinic actually earns revenue.

We can help build special reports to almost any level of detail. Want to know who is the fastest surgeon with the most satisfied patients? The outcome of a special procedure in a specific clinic or an entire region? How much income each care giver generates per month? Over the past six months? No problem.

Other things we believe you would also like to know

Always According to Local Regulations

Our team carefully tracks all external regulations and legislation, so you can be sure always to be in regulatory compliance in a constantly evolving healthcare ecosystem.

Easily Accessible

Your servers can be located anywhere. Some of our clinics prefer on-site placement for all their equipment. Others want simple terminals for inputting and retrieving medical records and other information. Larger organizations with multiple locations often prefer a combination of both. No matter how you configure your system, your clinic data is guaranteed to be easily accessible. We are happy to discuss the pros and cons of various alternatives.

One Location as Well as Several, in Different IT Environments

Many of our clients need access from more than one location. Perhaps your organization has clinics in different cities or countries. Perhaps your caregivers continually travel, consulting or conducting procedures in new locations. Or perhaps you simply prefer to log those final medical records after dinner, in the comfort of your own home. Our solutions work in all standard IT environments. You can even mix hardware platforms.

Nine Different Languages

Today we have customers in 13 countries who run Metodika EPM in nine languages. If your language is not already available, talk to us.

Works on Your Current System

Metodika EPM runs on most hardware platforms. You can even mix and match to suit your needs. Many Metodika EPM features are also accessible on your personal tablet or smartphone.

Easy to Get More Features or a Custom Solution

Metodika EPM comes with a comprehensive set of features and functionalities. However, your clinic might have a procedure, process, or requirement that is truly unique. Then our team of experts and software developers can design and build custom features and fully integrate them into your version of our package.

Work Securely

We know the importance of data integrity, security and reliability. Our software comes with built-in features to guarantee that all sensitive data is securely stored on your servers and/or in the cloud, with automatic backups for uninterrupted use.

In 2014 Metodika’s customers used our EPM software for over 2.7 million continuous hours. If your hardware should fail, automatic backup procedures make sure you are up and running quickly, with no loss of data.

Our permissions module allow you to restrict access to different modules for individuals or user groups. For medical records you can hone permissions further restricting read or write access per patient and entry.
In 2010 Metodika EPM became the second approved EMR system (after Siemens Medical) to be CE-certified throughout Europe as a Medical Device Class 1. This is now an EU-directive for all electronic medical records sold in Europe. Ask your current supplier about their EU-compliance.